Saturday, August 14, 2010

Gamelan in Wayang

1. The Gamelan is the musical instruments. In the Javanese Wayang, these instruments nowadays consist of at least 15 different types, mostly made of bronze and generally of the percussion type, mostly made of bronze and generally of the percussion type; a small bamboo flute (suling), one or two horizontal drums on wooden stands (kendang), a two stringed violin-like instrument (rebab) and a wooden xylophone (gambang) are the non percussion and/or non-bronze musical instruments used to accompany a wayang purwa performance.

2. Kothak or wooden chest. Usually, kothak serves as a place to store puppets and other tools such as screen performances, chempala, and kepyak. To be able to save about 200 puppets, the size should be approximately 150 cm, width 80 cm and 60 cm high (with lid).

3. Or wooden knockers are usually made of teak wood. There are two kinds cemphala, one size only half of the other. The larger of about 20 cm with a diameter of 5 cm. This is usually held with the left hand of the puppeteer. Chemphala used to knock kothak the effects and signs are required. If both hands busy playing the puppeteer puppets, so he uses a small chempala for the same purposes with clipped on the right toe of the Dalang. For that, he usually sat cross-legged, with your right leg crossed in the left thigh. As mentioned above, the knocking sounds not only produce sound effects, but also functions as a sign of the puppeteer for musicians who play the melody, to slow down or speed up the rhythm (rhythm), to amplify or turn down the music, or stop it.

4. Kepyak or metal rappers. Usually it is made of three pieces of bronze with a length of 15 cm. and width of 10 cm. supported by a small rope or chain fastened on the outside kothak. Puppeteer will beat chempala kepyak with clipped toes on his right. The main function of this tool is to produce sound effects, but sometimes it serves to give the players marks on the gamelan.

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